Underfloor Heating is a much more cost affective way to keep your property warm. It operates at a lower temperature and has a higher heat retention than your usual heat source, i.e. radiators, meaning running costs are lower.
Underfloor heating can work from any heating system that already exists within your property. If that be a boiler but you may wish to convert to a heat/ground source pump in the future. Here at Apex, all our systems are installed for the future proof of this conversion. As the pipework is underneath the finished floor this also frees up wall space giving you a blank canvas.
How it works
Warm water is pumped from your heat source to a central manifold. The manifold’s job is to mix both the warm water being pumped to it and cooler return water from the floor heating, making sure that the temperature stays relatively level between 30 and 65 degrees.
This mix of water is then pumped throughout the lengths of pipe beneath the floor, allowing the area to become continuously warm. This allows the system to simply work like that of a large low temperature storage radiator.
From there, the floor will be able to absorb the warmth from the piping beneath, allowing your finished floor to grow warm steadily and within the parameters you set via your individual thermostat.
The whole system becomes a large storage radiator. It is therefore able to be used at a relatively low temperature – meaning that unlike many basic radiators that need to be scorching hot to fill a room with warmth, the benefits of allowing the warmth to flow up through the floor means that you won’t need to set your starting temperature particularly high to feel the benefits.
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